Saturday, March 9, 2013

Before I collapse into an exhausted heap. . .

. . .I should maybe get my day down in writing.  I had my portfolio reviewed by Ruth Sanderson!  Let it be known that she is as generous in sharing her illustration wisdom as she is artistically prolific.  The woman has illustrated 80 books!

I can't even begin to list all the fantastic tips Ruth shared with our group of novices today.  Suffice it to say that I am now well-versed in portfolio etiquette.

Ruth's reaction to my portfolio was kind of awesome: she had no suggestions for improving anything - except for laughing along when I pointed out how stupid I was for leaping into horse anatomy without having done my homework.  She laughed along, and then told me that the rest of the image made up for it.  Coming from someone who has built a career around anatomically correct horses, it was high, high praise.

I would be dancing in the streets after that if not for the next part: Ruth asked me what age group I was writing for.  Eight to ten, I said.  That category is gone, she said.  %$#^, I said. 

I really should have noticed.  I've read several hundred of the most recently-published picture books this year.  Many of those come from SCBWI's "Edited By" list, which is a list of each editor's favorites from their own list.  The writing is so very.  Very.  Short.  Lots of comfort books.

So, I could proceed with my current book, under the expectation that it would be a harder sell.  Or, I can set it aside and work on something simpler (in both writing and art style) and younger.  I do have something in mind, so I may proceed with option B.   But first, I must sleep on it.

But first, it is time for some mint chocolate chip.

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