Progress! Delicious progress! Since the start of the year, I really hit my stride with the art. The quality of my work skyrocketed as well. Both things, incidentally, coincided with my daughter finally sleeping through the night. What wonders a good night's rest can do!
The increased speed let me both get ahead with the art, AND gave me time to experiment with mediums. I tried doing a finished piece on yupo "paper", which is actually a plastic surface intended for watercolor. But as it turns out I emphatically don't like the way watercolor behaves on it. And worse, India ink erases right off! So, that spread became just a really detailed sketch, complete with ugly pencil lines that I can't remove without trashing the inked lines.
Oh well - it isn't as bad as that time in college when one of my classmates sprayed a finish coating of quick-drying varnish on a gorgeous, completed painting - and then dropped a protractor on it. The protractor stuck tight and the painting became an instant collage.
I did finally settle on India ink art markers to draw my lines. The brush-tip combines some of the best quality of brush and Sharpie, which I have to admit I've developed quite a liking to, despite the smell.
So, in the art department, I am ahead of schedule. However, wah wah wah. . . I now have a change of plans. The SCBWI Spring Conference, as it turns out, coincides with our family vacation. After my howls of outrage, I decided instead to attend one of the upcoming international conferences. And there is also an upcoming portfolio review being given by SCBWI member Ruth Sanderson in May. If I can get in to it, I'll go. But it is a
portfolio review, so as of now I am dropping everything in favor of getting a portfolio put together. Seeing as I needed to iron out my watercolor technique anyway, this works out perfectly.
My typical goals, listed in order of importance, look like this:
-Sketch four dummy book pages. OR draw, ink, and stretch paper for two paintings. OR finish two paintings.
-Visit the library to pick up books.
-Order the next week's quota of library books.
-Contact one children's book industry professional.
-Write one blog entry.
Despite a little holiday slacking on the bottom items, I've been reasonably on-target.
As for industry professionals, I have now gone to hear two local writers read at the local Barnes and Noble. But I won't sully the upbeat note of this update with my report on
Instead, I will report that I have a big win: I have joined the Holliston Writer's Group! I can't believe how hungry I have been for the company of people who are doing the same crazy thing as me. It's not really a critique group, but more of a moral-support-and-tip-swapping thing. Loads of useful information was shared at this month's meeting. I felt like I was contributing at least as much as I was getting, which makes me feel competent and useful. And
that makes me feel confident! I really look forward to going back.